Similar words: principle, principles, principled, pleasure principle, fringe benefit, fringe benefits, in principle, on principle.
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1. A few public goods are financed essentially on the basis of the benefits principle.
2. Company in line with sincere cooperation benefit benefit principle.
3. Both follow the cost - benefit principle based on natural resource scarcity.
4. The principle construction includes fair principle, market pricing pimples and justly distributing benefit principle.
5. When functions of shoaly land conflict, the disputes should be resolved through benefit principle.
6. Our company a win - win situation of mutual benefit principle, with the hope that more successful companies.
More similar words: principle, principles, principled, pleasure principle, fringe benefit, fringe benefits, in principle, on principle, reciprocity principle, unprincipled, legal principle, guiding principle, benefit, theoretical principle, fundamental principle, uncertainty principle, principle of superposition, generally accepted accounting principles, pauli exclusion principle, benefit from, death benefit, welfare benefits, for the benefit of, marginal benefits, economic benefit, sickness benefit, employee benefits, disability benefit, benefit-cost analysis, unemployment benefit.